

License types


Student projects


Success stories


Sample problems

Example problem and final video presentation submission guidelines

QuickField Example problem submission instructions
Each QuickField Example problem should include the written description (in Microsoft Word format) and corresponding QuickField simulation files.
Please remove the mesh from the model and do not include the result file .res - we will generate the mesh and resolve your problem on our computers.
All files should be packed into .zip archive and attached to an email sent to from the email address, which was used to request the temporary QuickField license.

Final video presentation
As agreed, you need to provide Tera Analysis Ltd. with your final presentation, showcasing using QuickField models in your research or study project.
We expect the presentation to be 20-30 minutes long and include explanation of your research topics and formulation and results of the QuickField simulations.

We do not expect you to be expert in the video production, so when you are ready to make a live presentation on your computer - contact us by email sent to and we will help you in recording it either via online meeting, or by recommending you the standalone software tools.