

License types


Student projects


Success stories


Sample problems

Temporary non-commercial license for Student projects

Are you a student, who is interested to use QuickField Professional for your study research or project, but do not have a budget to acquire a license? There is a possibility for you. We are looking for enthusiasts, who may help us in promoting QuickField by writing blog articles, creating instructional videos, participating in our webinars or providing us with other media content related to QuickField use. In exchange for this activity we will grant you the temporary license for QuickField Professional for the period of our cooperation, which may be used for non-commercial student projects.
We expect the approved candidates to provide us with a fully described QuickField problem example each month (please follow our submission instructions), and after the final work is ready -a video presentation with live QuickField sessions (previously provided examples may be reused).
If you are interested - please fill in the form below.

First name
Middle name
Last name
College/University name
Study program description
Your study program level
Mailing address
Your teacher:
First name
Middle name
Last name
Details of your planned QuickField use
I need QuickField for
Any additional details
you want us to know
Planned duration of
QuickField Professional use:

Terms and conditions:

  1. Tera Analysis Ltd. acting on its own discretion will grant or refuse to grant the temporary non-commercial license for QuickField Professional. You will be informed about Tera Analysis Ltd. decision by email within 72 hours after your application is received.
  2. The requested license, if granted, can be used for a period of time not longer than that specified by Tera Analysis Ltd and solely for the purposes specified in the form above.
  3. QuickField and Tera Analysls Ltd. will be referred in all publications, which include results obtained using this license.
  4. You will provide Tera Analysis Ltd. with the original QuickField problem example for each calendar month of the license grant period, and one final video presentation with live QuickField sessions (previously provided examples may be reused) before the end of the license grant period. You give permission to Tera Analysis Ltd. to use these materials and all accompanying files and documents in QuickField marketing and support purposes, including publications on QuickField Support website (, uploads to QuickField channel on YouTube and other internet resources. Your authorship of these materials will be marked in all publications. This permission will not be revoked after the QuickField license end.
  5. If the above terms are not met, Tera Analysis Ltd. may decide to suspend or cancel your license at any time.

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