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Power cable parameters calculation

QuickField simulation example

QuickField, enforced by ActiveField technology may be effectively used for multi-physics analysis of various engineering tasks. This analysis could be highly automated.
This document displays the results of cable analysis based on specific modeling parameters. Pictures, tables and graphs below have been automatically calculated by QuickField, controlled by VBA code implemented as Microsoft Word macros.

This high-voltage tetra-core cable has three triangle sectors with phase conductors and round neutral conductor in the lesser area of the cross-section above. All the conductors are made of aluminum. Each conductor is insulated and the cable as a whole has a three-layered insulation. The cable insulation consists of inner and outer insulators and a protective braiding (steel tape). The sharp corners of the phase conductors are chamfered to reduce the field crown. The corners of the conductors are rounded. Empty space between conductors is filled with some insulator, possibly with an air.

3-phase tetra-core cable High-voltage tetra-core cable has three triangle sectors with phase conductors and round neutral conductor Phase A Phase B Phase C GND Core insulation Inner insulation Protective steel braiding Outer insulation Filling
Conductors' geometric parameters
Phase conductor area 120 mm²
Neutral conductor area 35 mm²
Thread rounding radius (R) 2 mm
Insulator geometric parameters
Cable-core insulation thickness 2 mm
Inner cable insulation thickness 1 mm
Protective steel braiding thickness 1 mm
Outer cable isolation thickness 3 mm


Conductors' loading
Current amplitude 200 A
Voltage amplitude (electrostatics) 6500 V
Frequency 50 Hz
Conductors' physical properties
Conductivity 36 MS/m
Thermal conductivity 140 W/K-m
Young's modulo 69 GPa
Poisson's ratio 0.33
Coefficient of thermal expansion 2.33·10-5 1/K
Specific density 2700 kg/m³
Conductors' physical properties
Relative permeability 1000
Conductivity 6 MS/m.
Thermal conductivity 85 W/K-m
Young's modulo 200 GPa
Poisson's ratio 0.3
Coefficient of thermal expansion 0.000012 1/K
Specific density 7870 kg/m³
Insulator physical properties
Core Inner Outer
Relative electric permittivity 2.5 2.5 2.5
Thermal conductivity, W/K-m 0.04 0.04 0.04
Young's modulo, MPa 10 10 10
Poisson's ratio 0.3 0.3 0.3
Coefficient of thermal expansion, 1/K 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
Specific density, kg/m³ 900 900 1050

Cable linear weight per meter is calculated from geometrical parameters and specific densities of the cable components. The whole cable specific density is a total density calculated by taking into account all cable components.

Cable physical parameters
Cable outer diameter 42.8 mm
Weight (per meter) 2.74 kg
Cable specific density 1900 kg/m²

Conductors' capacitance table holds self- and mutual- capacitances of the cable conductors.

Conductors' capacitance, pF/m
Conductor1 Conductor2 Conductor3 Null-cord
Conductor1 170 66.1 9.47 36.8
Conductor2 169 66.3 0.413
Conductor3 170 36.8
Neutral cord 64.5

Conductors' inductances are calculated using the flux linkage approach by the formula: Lij = Φj / Ii. The table diagonal elements represent the self-inductance values.

Conductors' inductance, uH/m
Magnetostatics AC magnetics
C-1 C-2 C-3 0-cord C-1 C-2 C-3 0-cord
Conductor1 11.5 11.2 11.1 11.3 8.73 8.47 8.41 8.51
Conductor2 11.5 11.2 11.1 8.73 8.47 8.38
Conductor3 11.5 11.3 8.73 8.51
Neutral cord 117 8.87

magnetic field energy distribution in the cable

In the magnetostatics problem the conductor's impedance (equal to the resistance) per meter is calculated by the formula: R = l / (ρ·S)
Joule heat per meter in magnetostatics problem is calculated by the formula: P = I² · R, where I is the root-mean-square current and R is the conductor impedance.
The conductors' impedances in AC magnetics problem are calculated using the Ohm's law as a complex ratio of the conductor's average potential divided by the conductor total current. The real part of this ratio represents the resistance, imaginary part represents the reactance and the modulus represents the impedance. The Joule heat in the AC magnetic problem is calculated using the corresponding QuickField integral.

Conductors' impedance
Magnetostatics AC magnetics
Conductor Null cord Conductor1 Conductor2 Conductor3
Impedance, Ω/m 2.31e-04 7.94e-04 2.40e-04 2.55e-04 2.80e-04
Resistance, Ω/m 2.31e-04 7.94e-04 2.15e-04 2.37e-04 2.59e-04
Reactance, Ω/m - - 1.08e-04 9.41e-05 1.06e-04
Joule heat, W/m 4.63 0 4.71 4.74 4.71

current density in the cable

The generated heat field is exported from the AC magnetics problem into the heat transfer problem. As a result of QuickField simulation you can see the cable exterior surface average temperature, heat flow from the cable surface and the average temperatures of all conductors. Average temperatures are relative numbers presented in Celsius assumed that ambient space temperature is 20 °C.

Cable heat parameters
Exterior surface average temperature 23.5°C
Heat flow 14.2 W
Conductors average temperature, °C
Conductor1 Conductor2 Conductor3 Null-cord
45.9 46.8 45.9 39.3

Temperature distribution in the cable

Stress analysis problem is the utmost one that imports the temperature field from the heat transfer problem and the magnetic forces from the AC magnetic problem. Due to this magnetic and thermal loading the cable components become deformed.

Stress analysis problem results
Maximal displacement 5.14e-02 mm
Maximal Mohr criteria value 8.16e+07 N/m²

cable mechanical deformation