Inductive touch button
QuickField simulation example
The touch button consists of the energized coil on a PCB and a metal foil. When the button is pressed the metal foil bends towards the coil. Eddy currents in the foil cause a change in the coil inductance value, which could be detected.
Problem Type
Axisymmetric problem of Stress analysis and AC magnetics.
Metal electrical conductivity 37 MS/m;
Coil current I = 0.1 mA, frequency f = 8 MHz,
Finger force f = 2 N;
Metal foil thickness 0.25 mm, Young's modulus E = 70 GPa, Poisson's ratio ν = 0.33.
Calculate the inductance value change due to the foil deformation.
First the mechanical problem is simulated to calculate the deformed foil shape. Then two AC magnetic problems are simulated: with flat foil and deformed foil.
Foil central part displacement is 30μm. Deformed foil profile:
Nominal coil inductance value is 622 nH. Inductance value decrement for the button pressed state is 2%.
On the picture: the deformed shape of the foil scaled 20 times, the eddy currents distribution in the foil and calculated inductance values.
* Reference: Ben Kasemsadeh, Luke LaPointe (Texas Instruments) Inductive Sensing Touch-On-Metal Buttons Design Guide
- Video: Inductive touch button. Watch on YouTube
- Download simulation files (files may be viewed using any QuickField Edition).