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Inductive touch button

QuickField simulation example

The touch button consists of the energized coil on a PCB and a metal foil. When the button is pressed the metal foil bends towards the coil. Eddy currents in the foil cause a change in the coil inductance value, which could be detected.

Problem Type
Axisymmetric problem of Stress analysis and AC magnetics.

Inductive touch button When the button is pressed the metal foil deformes and moves close to the coil. This causes change in inductance value Finger Air Metal foil, 0.25 mm Dielectric Coil

Metal electrical conductivity 37 MS/m;
Coil current I = 0.1 mA, frequency f = 8 MHz,
Finger force f = 2 N;
Metal foil thickness 0.25 mm, Young's modulus E = 70 GPa, Poisson's ratio ν = 0.33.

Calculate the inductance value change due to the foil deformation.

First the mechanical problem is simulated to calculate the deformed foil shape. Then two AC magnetic problems are simulated: with flat foil and deformed foil.

Foil central part displacement is 30μm. Deformed foil profile:

Nominal coil inductance value is 622 nH. Inductance value decrement for the button pressed state is 2%.
On the picture: the deformed shape of the foil scaled 20 times, the eddy currents distribution in the foil and calculated inductance values.
Inductive touch button

* Reference: Ben Kasemsadeh, Luke LaPointe (Texas Instruments) Inductive Sensing Touch-On-Metal Buttons Design Guide