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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Resonators Probes

QuickField simulation example

A highly successful design in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) resonator probe is the so called Slotted Tube Resonator (STR). This design consists of a pair of conducting sheets with a substantial angle ("window angle") sustained on a cylindrical surface. These structures are to resonate at frequencies ranging from 4 MHz to 500 MHz.

Problem Type
Plane-parallel problem of AC magnetics.

Slotted Tube Resonator This design consists of a pair of conducting sheets with a substantial window angle sustained on a cylindrical surface. window angle Copper+ Copper- GND

Much effort has been devoted to the optimization of the window angle to get the maximum usable space (best field homogeneity) within the conductors. However, there is some discrepancy regarding the ideal window angle to achieve the best homogeneity which is probably due to the inadequate or incomplete approach to the problem. Often, the direct current approximation has been used neglecting the eddy current effects at moderate and high frequencies. Furthermore, the effect of the proximity of the shield has not been fully investigated.

QuickField presents several advantages to approach this problem:

The two problems posted in this page correspond to the widely used 90 degrees window STR for different shield proximities. Calculations have been performed at 26 MHz. It is clear that the proximity of the shield greatly decreases the field homogeneity in the structure. Further optimizations show that the optimal window angle is around 85 degrees.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Resonator