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Field mapping software

Field mapping is the term which describes various types of the field simulation results presenting. Different FEA software packages offer different options for the field mapping. QuickField software has very powerful field mapping capabilities for all types of analysis.

For electromagnetic analysis QuickField offers field mapping in the form of equipotential lines, field intensity color map, and vector map on the regular grid.

Electric field mapping with QuickField software
Pic. Electric field mapping with QuickField software

Magnetic field mapping with QuickField software
Pic. Magnetic field mapping with QuickField software

Temperature field mapping may be very powerful aid for the thermal analysis. QuickField software provides possibilities for mapping the temperature distribution, thermal flux vectors and other thermal field characteristics.

Temperature field mapping with QuickField software
Pic. Temperature field mapping with QuickField software

For more details on the field mapping options for electric field analysis with QuickField see:
Electric field mapping with QuickField software

If you are interested to learn more about magnetic analysis field mapping options with QuickField see:
magnetic field mapping with QuickField software.

Temperature field mapping is explained in more detail here:
temperature field mapping with QuickField software.