


Version history




QuickField object model

QuickField command line

Parametric object interface

Parametric command line

Programming environments



Programming environments for work with QuickField API

Programming environments for work with QuickField API

QuickField and parametric tool LabelMover have not only the graphical user interfaces, but also the application programming interfaces (API) allowing access to their internal functions from other programs. To utilize this possibility, you need to use some programming environment. Choice of compatible systems is quite wide today. Among them are powerful commercial packages - MATLAB, Microsoft Visual Studio (.NET Framework in Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual J#, or Visual C++), Microsoft Office (VBA development environment), and freeware LibreOffice (branch of the Open Office project), Tcl/Tk scripting system.

Microsoft VBScript (JScript) and batch files technology may be also considered as free alternatives because they are always present in any Windows operating platforms. Choice of proper programming environment mostly depends on the personal preferences and tool availability.

Here you may find specific recommendations and examples of QuickField based applications related to the following programming environments and technologies: