Circular eddy current coils surrounding a pipe containing a flaw
QuickField simulation example
As an example of eddy current nondestructive testing we simulate the eddy currents induced in a section of pipe containing defects. This simulation example is prepared by Professor James R. Claycomb as a part of the webinar QuickField Analysis for Non-Destructive Evaluation Simulations.
Problem Type
Axisymmetric problem of AC magnetics.
Drive coil AC current is I = 10 A, frequency f = 500 Hz.
Conductivity of pipe g = 1 MS/m, magnetic permeability of pipe μ = 1.
Determine the EMF in the probing coil as a function of the NDT unit position.
A series of problems is generated by LabelMover. It is more convenient to change the flaw position in the model instead of moving the NDT unit.
Eddy currents distribution in the pipe and induced voltage in the probe coil per 1 turn are shown on the picture below.
James R. Claycomb Applied Electromagnetics Using QuickField & MATLAB, ISBN: 978-0763777517, hardcover, 400 pages.
- Video: Circular eddy current coils surrounding a pipe containing a flaw
- Download simulation files (files may be viewed using any QuickField Edition).