Magnetic simulation*
Magnetic simulation usually is the same as a low frequency electromagnetic simulation based on magnetic field only, without the electric part of electromagnetic field taken into account.
Magnetic simulations are often divided into AC Magnetics, DC Magnetics and Transient Magnetics. One of the most effective technologies for magnetic simulations is a finite element method.
Magnetic simulations became popular with advancing of personal computing since 1960-s, and currently most of the electrical engineers graduating from Universities have some experience in magnetic simulation methods and tools available.
QuickField software provides easy way of introducing novices to magnetic simulation through the set of online tutorials in the Virtual Classroom and examples.
However, it may be also used by experts for magnetic simulation of real industrial devices with complicated non-linear materials and different field sources involved, both for individual calculations and parameterized analysis and optimization, for static, time-harmonic and time-domain applications.
- Magnetic simulation examples:
Solenoid actuator
Field of the coil
Power busses in the air above the steel plate - Magnetic simulation in the recorded webinar:
QuickField Analysis for Non-Destructive Evaluation simulations.