New version QuickField 4.0
Release date: November 1997
QuickField 4.0 is a native Windows application designed to run on Windows NT and Windows 95. In this new release, we have retained the superior performance and efficiency of the earlier versions and have incorporated many new features and conveniences that are possible with a state-of-the-art Windows application.
Here are some of the new features.
- Multiple Document Interface: Edit different parts of a problem, such as model geometry, property data and the results, at all once! Also possible, open simultaneously a number of problems, models, etc., as well as source and target problems for coupling analysis.
- Multiple Views: Open many windows for the same document at once to see several views of the model, different field pictures for a single problem solution, or XY-plots along various contours.
- Multithreading: By using a multithread architecture, while solving for the results of the current problem, QuickField allows you to prepare and edit new models or analyze the results of previous runs at the same time.
- Windows Copy and Paste Standard: Insert pictures, graphs or tables from QuickField to any word processor document or presentations by simple copy-and-paste operations.
- OLE Drag and Drop Support: QuickField allows simple drag-and-drop management of the property data, moving parts of the old data to a new one, as well as postprocessing tables.
- Direct Printing is now supported for all of QuickField models, field pictures and XY-plots.
- Model Editor's "Smart Insert" and "Snap to Grid" allows for very quick sketching.
- A large number of Right-Mouse-Click Pop-up Menu is incorporated for fast access to various operations.
- Selection of Multiple Geometric Entities such as blocks, edges and vertices are much easier now, through support of Ctrl-click of the mouse; properties and attributes of a geometric entity can also be easily edited through simple double-clicking of that entity.
- More Field Picture Flexibility: Range of colors used with color maps is now tunable, vector and tensor display more informative.
- Postprocessing XY-Plots now reflect contour changes immediately and new Table View shows selected field quantities just as you edit the contour