


Version history

QuickField 7.0

QuickField 6.6

QuickField 6.5

QuickField 6.4

QuickField 6.3 SP2

QuickField 6.3 SP1

QuickField 6.3

QuickField 6.2

QuickField 6.1

QuickField 6.0




What's new in QuickField 6.2

Release date: September 2016

In addition to recently introduced 3D Electrostatics new release 6.2 features 3D DC Conduction and 3D Stead-state Heat Transfer. 3D models may be extruded from the base 2D models in QuickField Model Editor, or imported from CAD systems in STEP file format. Other important improvement of the new version is possibility to calculate the magnetic core losses.

3D DC conduction
DC current distribution is calculated in the 3D model with arbitrary positioned electrodes. With new 3D module QuickField DC Conduction analysis will be helpful for the grounding systems design, study of the current distribution in biological tissues and other tasks of electrical, electronic and biomedical engineering.

3D Steady-state heat transfer
The temperature field is calculated in the 3D model with known heat sources, temperatures or thermal convection parameters. It complements 2D thermal analysis for advanced applications in electrical engineering, building design and biomedical research.

Core losses in AC magnetics calculation
Ferromagnetic materials, subjected to the varying magnetic fields, exhibit power losses due to eddy current and hysteresis effects. In practical engineering they are usually semi-empirically approximated basing on Steinmetz equations. This approach is implemented in QuickField 6.2, where the magnetic core losses at frequency f are evaluated by Bertotti expression:
pv = ph + pc + pe = kh·f·Bm2 + kc·f2·Bm2 + ke·(f·Bm)3/2
and ph, pc and pe correspond to hysteresis, eddy current and excess losses. Coefficients kh, kc and ke are the optional material parameters.
Core losses may be analyzed in AC Magnetic postprocessor and imported to a Heat Transfer module for the further temperature distribution study.

User-defined formulas for integral calculations

QuickField provides a wide range of the integrals calculated for the result analysis. Lists of the predefined integrals offered in QuickField postprocessors vary depending on the analysis type. However in practical engineering and scientific research it may be needed to calculate integrals, not included into the existing lists. Starting from the version 6.2 the custom functions in ActiveField-based applications may be integrated along the contour, over the contour-defined surface or as a surface integral over the total calculation area.

This new functionality requires using Microsoft Office VBA, MatLab or other programming environment compatible with QuickField API and based on a new method GetCustomIntegral of the object Results, which may receive a link to an object of the CustomFunction type as a call parameter.