


Version history

QuickField 7.0

QuickField 6.6

QuickField 6.5

QuickField 6.4

QuickField 6.3 SP2

QuickField 6.3 SP1

QuickField 6.3

QuickField 6.2

QuickField 6.1

QuickField 6.0




What's new in QuickField 7.0

QuickField 7.0 which is available as Beta now includes new 2D Postprocessors that are based on the same graphical technology, look, and feel as the most recent Model Editor released in QuickField 6.6.

QuickField 7.0 Postprocessors feature:

QuickField 7.0

We decided to make QuickField 7.0 Beta-2 available because it is simply better in the majority of cases. But it is not a fully finished release yet. Here is a list of known issues of the new postprocessor in QuickField 7.0 Beta-2:

If the feature you need is not yet implemented you may switch to the old postprocessor, which is also included (menu Tools > Options > Postprocessor).
QuickField 7.0 Options

And if you selected "Both" then, each time you view the simulation results, you will have two windows – one window, called "Postprocessing..." with old legacy postprocessor, and other called "Field Picture..." - with new postprocessor.
New vs. Old Postprocessor