


Version history

QuickField 7.0

QuickField 6.6

QuickField 6.5

QuickField 6.4

QuickField 6.3 SP2

QuickField 6.3 SP1

QuickField 6.3

QuickField 6.2

QuickField 6.1

QuickField 6.0




What's new in QuickField 6.4

Release date: 17 April 2020

New version QuickField 6.4 is a new major step in QuickField project development with accent on 3D simulation improvements.

Geometry models, as in the previous QuickField versions, may be created in CAD system and then imported as a STEP file, or extruded from flat geometries in QuickField Model Editor.
But before version 6.4 CAD-based models were limited to single body topologies. Now it is possible to simulate any complicated assemblies with unlimited number of bodies*.

New algorithms of FEA mesh generation work blazingly fast, and automatic or manually adjusted 3D meshes are constructed within seconds. New version also features brand new, fast and accurate 3D FEA solver. With these improvements 3D part of QuickField software becomes easy, efficient and accurate tool – matching our proven 2D analysis modules.

* New features required us to change the format of 3D model files, so 3D geometries imported in previous versions of QuickField cannot be open in version 6.4. Extruded models may be open but the extrusion should be performed in a new version. 2D model formats are not affected.