


Version history

QuickField 7.0

QuickField 6.6

QuickField 6.5

QuickField 6.4

QuickField 6.3 SP2

QuickField 6.3 SP1

QuickField 6.3

QuickField 6.2

QuickField 6.1

QuickField 6.0




What's new in QuickField 5.2

Release date: December 2004

AC Conduction analysis

AC Conduction analysis is a new problem formulation, allowing to study electric fields, currents and losses arising in conductors and imperfect (lossy) dielectrics from the application of an alternating (AC) voltage or external currents.

Field parameters could be displayed on time plots, or as field maps at any given instant. Calculated results are: voltages, electric fields, conductive and reactive (displacement) current density, flux densities (electric displacements), Joule losses, self and mutual capacitances, forces, torques, and electric energy.

AC Conduction problem may provide loads for coupled mechanical stress problems or heat sources for coupled temperature distribution problems.

Total current in Transient Magnetic Analysis

It is now possible to define the "Total current" value for conductors in transient magnetics problems. Also it is possible to specify that conductors are connected in series. In particular, this allows definition of the short-circuited winding.

Adaptive Meshing

Starting with version 5.2, QuickField is capable of the adaptive mesh refinement basing on the results of previously solved problem (process is also known as H-refinement). This capability practically eliminates the need for manual mesh control, allowing automatic adjustment of the mesh density in the regions of highly inhomogeneous field.

SolidWorks Sketch Import add-in

This add-in allows you to import geometric objects from SolidWorks sketch into QuickField model.

Add-in for Harmonic Analysis

This feature extends possibilities of Postprocessors by allowing you to calculate and view harmonics (that is, phases and amplitudes for Fourier series) for any parameter plotted along the arbitrary contour.

AC frequency control in LabelMover

It is now possible to modify frequency in AC problems from LabelMover. This feature gives you possibility to perform the frequency analysis of your model.

Improved Help System

New Dynamic Help shows context-related tips and references to other Help sections, suggesting novice users what to do at any stage of the problem analysis.