


Version history

QuickField 7.0

QuickField 6.6

QuickField 6.5

QuickField 6.4

QuickField 6.3 SP2

QuickField 6.3 SP1

QuickField 6.3

QuickField 6.2

QuickField 6.1

QuickField 6.0




What's new in QuickField 5.10

Release date: May 2012
Service pack 1: December 2012

1. Improved meshing

Finite Element analysis is based on discretization of the area into the number of simple shapes, in case of QuickField - triangles. Accuracy of the results highly depends upon the finite element mesh density and quality. Moreover, in complicated cases problem solution on the non-adequate meshes may not converge. That's why the mesh generation is one of the most important operations in all practical FEA applications.

QuickField Model Editors were always equipped with very efficient mesh generators. But sometimes, then the geometry was really complex, smooth mesh generation required many manual adjustments. Improved mesh building algorithms of the version 5.10 assure automatic generation of the smooth meshes even in the most complicated cases, which makes our product more robust and user-friendly for novice users.

2. Two modes of DC-biased magnetic permeability import

Possibility to import the magnetic permeability from DC to DC or AC Magnetic problem, introduced in earlier version 5.8 and extended in 5.9 got now new features. Previous QuickField versions considered only apparent, or static magnetic permeability, which is defined as a ratio of the flux density B and magnetic field strength H. There is also a differential or incremental permeability, which represents the derivative dB/dH or the slope of the magnetic curve.

For linear magnetic materials Apparent and Incremental permeabilities are the same. But for AC Magnetic study which involves the saturating magnetic materials under large DC field influence, use of the incremental permeability may be more relevant. QuickField 5.10 offers the possibility of selecting the needed type of permeability when performing import of the magnetic state form DC Magnetic to AC or DC Magnetic problems.

Introducing an incremental permeability expands the range of problems which may benefit from the fast combined DC - AC magnetic analysis instead of time consuming and complicated Transient Electromagnetic simulation.