


Version history

QuickField 7.0

QuickField 6.6

QuickField 6.5

QuickField 6.4

QuickField 6.3 SP2

QuickField 6.3 SP1

QuickField 6.3

QuickField 6.2

QuickField 6.1

QuickField 6.0




What's new in QuickField 5.0

Release date: November 2002

Finite element software QuickField is known as a flexible and simple analysis system with extremely friendly user interface and amazingly fast solvers. These characteristics get new proof in the QuickField 5.0. Transient magnetics, millions of mesh nodes, Undo/Redo commands in the preprocessor, parametric analysis - this is only a part of impressive list of new features briefly described below.

New analysis opportunities
Variety of problem formulations - AC and DC magnetics, Electrostatics, Heat Transfer, Stress is now expanded by Transient Electromagnetic analysis option. New formulation is applicable to various technical applications like study of switch on/off modes, failures, AC excitation of devices with non-linear magnetic materials, pulses in power electronic equipment and variety of other electromagnetic processes and devices where AC or DC approach don't work.
Transient problems in electromagnetics and heat transfer could be defined with time-varying field sources and boundary conditions described with mathematical formulas in problem parameter definition. Multi-physics coupling is now extended by the analysis of dynamic heat distribution caused by transient electromagnetic processes.
Electrostatic postprocessor is now able to display trajectories of charged particles with arbitrary initial movement parameters.

Enhanced architecture and components
All the components of QuickField 5.0 package are generally improved. We have added support of Undo/Redo actions to all the commands of Model Editor. Revised file format now assures generation and processing of extremely dense meshes with several millions of nodes. Postprocessor is able to display time varying plots for transient analysis. Menu system became more clear and convenient.

Improved Object Model
Starting from version 4.3 QuickField introduces ActiveField - technology of accessing internal objects, functions and data structures from external applications. ActiveField 5.0 fully reflects all new features of QuickField 5.0 and is much more stable and convenient than previous versions. New tutorials and examples compatible with both Student and Professional Editions of QuickField 5.0 are added. By use of the new tools family either a non-programmer may benefit from QuickField 5.0 open architecture.

ActiveField technology converts QuickField from a standalone program to a powerful platform for engineering analysis. But in most cases utilizing of new possibilities requires familiarity with some programming technologies, like Visual Basic, VBA or C++. We introduce the new family of free utilities for solving most common tasks without need of any programming.
Data Converter provides data conversion between QuickField Data Editor and Microsoft Excel.
LabelMover is a simple tool for serial calculations and parametric studies. The selection of objects within a model may be subjected to repetitive changes in properties, position or shape, and series of result parameters may be displayed in tables and graphs.
Utilities are compatible with both Student and Professional Editions.