


Version history


DC magnetics

AC magnetics

Transient magnetics


DC Conduction

AC Conduction

Transient Electric Field

Heat transfer

Stress analysis

Multi field coupling

Electric circuit



Multiphysics coupling

QuickField is capable of multiphysics analysis, where different field problems should be simulated together and the results of one analysis are used as input data for other one. This second (“destination”) problem has to be defined on the same geometry model as the “source” problem, and may take into account the calculated field values or some derivative parameter distribution, as well as other manually defined loads and boundary conditions, usual for this type of field analysis.

You can combine several coupling types in one problem. E.g., after calculating currents distribution, electrostatic and magnetic fields as separate problems based on the same model file, you can calculate temperature distribution from Joule heat and then find stresses caused by temperature, magnetic and electric forces all together.
Currently the Multiphysics coupling in QuickField is supported for following types of 2D source and destination problems for specific types of imported data.

Source problem

---> |Transferred data|---> Destination problem.



DC magnetics AC magnetics Transient
Static heat transfer Transient
heat transfer
DC magnetics Magnetic permeability Magnetic permeability Initial magnetic field     Force
AC magnetics       Joule heat Joule heat Force
Transient magnetics     Initial magnetic field Joule heat Joule heat Force
Electrostatics           Force
DC conduction       Joule heat Joule heat  
AC conduction       Joule heat Joule heat Force
Transient electric            
Static heat transfer   Temperatures     Initial temperatures Temperatures
Transient heat transfer   Temperatures     Initial temperatures Temperatures
Stress Analysis            
DC Magnetics to
Destination problem type Imported value Example
DC magnetics Magnetic permeability Loudspeaker voice coil inductance
AC magnetics Magnetic permeability Saturable reactor
Transient magnetics Initial magnetic field Biased relay force
Stress Analysis Force Stress distribution in a long solenoid
Solenoid under current load
TOKAMAK solenoid mechanical stress
AC Magnetics to
Destination problem type Imported value Example
Static heat transfer Joule heat High voltage cable ampacity
Transient heat transfer Joule heat Copper inductor with a steel tube
Inductively heated ceramic
Stress Analysis Force High frequency line trap
Transient Magnetics to
Destination problem type Imported value Example
Transient magnetics Initial magnetic field Coil with triangle wave current
Static heat transfer Joule heat Double wound solenoid
Transient heat transfer Joule heat Coil pulsed heating
Stress Analysis Force Inductor inrush current stress
Electrostatics to
Destination problem type Imported value Example
Stress Analysis Force Comb drive resonator
DC conduction to
Destination problem type Imported value Example
Static heat transfer Joule heat Temperature distribution in an electric wire
Temperature distribution in the conducting sheet
Transient heat transfer Joule heat Cylindrical fuse
AC conduction to
Destination problem type Imported value Example
Static heat transfer Joule heat Disc insulator heating
Transient heat transfer Joule heat
Stress Analysis Force
Heat transfer to
Destination problem type Imported value Example
AC magnetics Temperatures AC Magnetic and Heat Transfer Double Coupling iterator
Transient heat transfer Initial temperatures Heating and cooling of a slot of an electric machine
Stress Analysis Temperatures Pipe subject to temperature and pressure

See more examples of Multiphysic problems